Auto Insurance: What is Comprehensive and Collision Coverage?

Comprehensive vs Collision Coverage:  What is the difference?

Today we’re going to talk about the difference between comprehensive end collision coverage these are also known as comp and collision.  They are considered physical damage coverage for your vehicle. Collision coverage covers damage to your vehicle in the event of a covered accident involving a collision with a another vehicle. This may include repairs or full replacement of your covered vehicle.

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Comprehensive coverage, on the other hand, pays for damage to your vehicle caused by covered events such as theft vandalism or hail which are not collision related. Some examples of comprehensive coverage include; say an object falls on your car such as a tree or meteor comes down off the sky or an alien animal collide with their car,  maybe you hit a deer or deer runs out in front of you and your car is damaged, or a fire or natural disaster destroys your car, or if your car is vandalized or stolen, these are examples of comprehensive insurance collision coverage. if your car hits an object such as a tree or your car collides with another vehicle and your car rolls over “God forbid”.   If your car is damaged due to hitting one of these monstrous “Pearl Harbor type potholes” that I hit about a month ago.  Collision insurance would cover that in most cases.

What is a deductible?

Before the insurance company pays your bill (to repair your vehicle) or replaces your vehicle, typically (in 90% of the cases), you are going to have a deductible,  Your deductible can range anywhere from $250 on up to $2000. The average deductible is about $500 on most automobile policies, so your deductible is what you’re going to need to pay out before your insurance kicks in.

If you have any questions about any of this coverage you can give me a call 614-642-0941 and I will be happy to help.

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