Heavy Truck Roadside Assistance Coverage by Progressive

Heavy Truck Roadside Assistance Coverage by Progressive

I’m here today to talk to you about a new coverage progressive auto is offering its trucking companies and its roadside assistance so I’m just going to actually read this off the paper to you real quick;

Roadside assistance coverage provides towing to the nearest qualified repair facility and covers a specified amount of the necessary labor at the place of breakdown with the customer’s vehicle is disabled due to any of the following:

  • mechanical or electrical breakdown
  • dead battery
  • flat tire
  • lockout
  • insufficient supply of fuel oil water or other fluids
  • entrapment in snow mud water or sand within 100 feet of the roadway

sounds pretty good to me, right?

Continuing with the roadside assistance terms, towing and labor service provided by other than one of our authorized service representatives that will be Progressive will be reimbursed at reasonable charges as determined by us for heavy vehicle types towing in labor or subject to a deductible and coverage limits as detailed in the policy and declarations page.

I can tell you on the last client of mine where I added roadside assistance to their policy, their deductible was $250 per occurrence, and I believe that’s going to be pretty standard for everyone. The other thing is the cost for them was anywhere between $150 to 200 and $8 per truck depending probably on the value the stated value of that truck so personally from my personal perspective, and as an insurance agent that ensures a lot of trucking companies, I can say that I think this is a great coverage to have. It could save you a lot of time and it could save you a lot of money and get you back on the road quicker because you’re going to get into a facility, get your vehicle fixed quicker, I believe that is very advantageous. I hope this video helps you this is coverage with progressive commercial for truck companies. If you would like a quote or would like a phenomenal insurance agent like me, give me a call at 614-642-0941. Other than that, enjoy your weekend I hear it’s going to be extra warm in a weird kind of way warm almost like summer. So everyone enjoy your weekend and thank you for tuning in.

heavy truck roadside assistance with Progressive

Video Transcript (auto-generated and un-edited)

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