I saved an older couple over $1500 on a six month auto insurance policy

I saved an older couple over $1500 on a six month auto insurance policy today. They both had an at-fault-accident and the wife had two more violations and another at-fault – both over 70 years old. The husband is a military veteran and they are on a fixed income. They came from a renewal quote of over $600 a month which was dropped to over $500 a month after trimming off much needed coverage. I was able to get them the same coverage as the $600 plus policy for less $329.45 a month. The next day I went back to print documents off for the client to sign and the policy had dropped to $293.71 a month after all reports were pulled. They were so happy!

I love it when I’m able to help people like this.

I saved my client over 1500 dollars


Serving: Columbus, Pickerington, Central Ohio, Delaware County Ohio and surrounding areas

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